Monday, April 27, 2009


A late morning tour of the town of Oxford; a quick lunch; a tour of Trinity College early afternoon, then off we went to the Town Hall. We were invited by U3A = Oxford's University of the Third Age. (I add a big thank you to Jean Burrell from U3A who organized the get-together.)

It's time for the students who went to London to be the reporters. Their photos will follow later.

Marie Odile writes:


We were invited by the Lord Mayor, a nice woman, Susanna Pressel, who amazed us when she asked us if we preferred to listen to her speech in English or in French. She really spoke French very well. Before visiting the Town Hall, we had teatime in the big reception room with the Lord Mayor and another young woman who is the choir leader of Oxford. This event was for me one of the most moving things we did during our trip to London. On Saturday, our first day back in Grenoble, I went with my husband to a concert which was given by Oxford's choir (Oxford is Grenoble's sister city) and an orchestra with a choir from Grenoble (Interludes).

Marie Odile

And Dany writes:


The time we spent at Oxford was too short, of course, to see all the interesting places….but the parts that we visited were very beautiful. We visited Trinity College. It was as in the Harry Potter films (!) with its chapel, its dining hall and its impeccable green quadrangles (quads). We saw a man who was cutting the grass along the edge of the lawn with a long pair of scissors. (Very funny!)
But what we appreciated most was the Town Hall where the Lord Mayor herself, Susanna Pressel, received the group. We visited the main hall, the courtroom, the council chamber and the little town museum; it is a very beautiful monument.
During the reception, we also met Mel Houldershaw, the choir director (chef de choeur) of The Oxford Choir…and we were able to see her again in Grenoble the following weekend, Easter weekend, when she came with her choir for three concerts performed with “L’Ensemble Vocal Interlude”, a Grenoble choir! It was a great concert.

More reports will follow, and photos too. Keep checking the blog!
